The Artist Marimba

What is this?  It may be a one-in-a-lifetime build.  This is NOT a production instrument.  It is a collection of sixty-one pieces of rosewood that are supremely rare in quality.  They form a single unit, which is unparalleled in sound.  It is absolutely a life-altering experience in marimba sound.  From the very first impact of mallet to bar, you realize that all of your previous experiences of playing marimba have fallen short in comparison to what you are now feeling and hearing.  

The power, sustain, touch and huge range of dynamic contrast all come together to transform a known piece of music into something completely new.  One comment made by a world-class performer was, “I’ve played this piece a hundred times, but I have never heard it until now!”  The emotional experience created when playing this instrument takes everyone who has touched it by surprise.  The common response is, “There are no words that can accurately describe the sound.  You have to experience it to understand what just happened.”  So, this is the Artist Instrument.  It takes the preconceived concept of “marimba sound” and stands it on its’ head.  

after having this instrument housed at a local college for many years, This instrument was sold in the fall of 2023 to a player in sweden.  


Douglas P. DeMorrow